a couple website experiments

tags: šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’»-dev, šŸŒ±-early,

a few projects that iā€™m poking around in more frequently:

astro project (this website)

astro, raw-doggin the css in a way i need to clean up, hosted on github pages & more detail over on about this.website.

nextjs project

A webpage layout with two columns, one titled 'hello.' with a list of articles about generative AI tools, and another titled 'about.' showcasing images of different artworks and creative projects

nextjs, tailwind, hosted on vercel and am slowly starting to get an idea around what i want to write about.

eleventy project

A digital comic titled 'robot park 01' with an illustration resembling a classical painting, featuring robots among human figures, dated 16th of January, 2024

an eleventy project hosted on netlify that has started to give me a few ideas for the direction the site could go.

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